Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hurricane Gustav

It's late and I'm finally done doing homework. Checked out how newly formed Gustav is doing. Needless to say, it went from Tropical Depression to Hurricane in less than 24 hours. Model projections look grim at this point. Before you read the following bullet-points, remember that forecasting a hurricane past 3 or 4 days in advance is about as accurate as a Ouija board.

-Gustav looks like it will stay south of Cuba, and move closer to the Mexican Yucatan peninsula.

-Gustav could enter the Gulf of Mexico as a potentially devastating Category 4 hurricane.

-The mere presence of a hurricane of this magnitude will cause oil prices to skyrocket. Oil currently sits at $110/barrel. $130/barrel would not be out of the question if the above scenario takes place.

-Currently, any city that lies on the Gulf of Mexico is at risk. It is too early to estimate a location of landfall.

Be ready to get your fill of Gustav.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Ten bucks says you googled how to spell Ouija. Am I right?